the Blog

Welcome! Find insights on building your business, priorities, motherhood, entrepreneurship, time management, joy, vision, magic, and, occasionally, food.

Use the tools, guidance, and real life examples to figure out where you’re heading and navigate a course you love. Even the messy parts.

What cooking rage has to do with your business
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What cooking rage has to do with your business

Let's talk about cooking rage.

Cooking rage is a real thing. There's a good chance you'll recognize it when I describe it.

I want to talk about it because when I experienced it earlier this week I discovered a striking parallel between what happened to me as I attempted to cook a healthy meal for my family and what happens to me and to so many of my clients and friends who own businesses when we try to do something we believe will help our businesses grow.

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A couple of weeks ago someone asked in one of my online communities, "What tips and tricks will you be implementing this summer to stay on track in your business?"

People had all sorts of great answers, ranging from creating marketing plans to setting up systems to automate more of their businesses and lives. I knew I could use just about everything they named, but my body rebelled and wouldn't let me declare one more action item or goal for the summer, no matter how big a difference I imagined it would make.

This is what came out instead…

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What to Do When Life's Not Perfect
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What to Do When Life's Not Perfect

So I posted this on Facebook today in response to my own minor meltdown, and had a feeling it was hitting a chord. I wanted to share it with you, in case you ever find yourself wondering, "How the hell do people get everything done??" or "Why isn't my life/business as perfect as that person's over there??" or "There's a chance that I might be failing at everything. Am I the only one who feels that way?"

Enjoy : ) ...

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