Meet Jen
Ideator, builder, dreamer, implementor, visionary
Just like you.
The unique humans I work with are daring and want a partner who can see their vision WITH them. That’s where I come in.
I’m a partner who provides a safe and compassionate space where you can be vulnerable, daring, and experimental. I’m someone who has been there.
I understand that priorities change as life changes, that you will do your best work when your heart is aligned with your actions, that crafting a life you love is directly related to crafting a business you love, and that in order to succeed they must speak to each other and grow together.
This is what I do with my clients.
I watch extraordinary people like you learn to shift the way your mind works, expand in confidence, and bring about real change in the world.
It’s pretty freaking awesome.
I’ve run my own business for over twenty years, evolved it multiple times, and invented a long list of unique programs, workshops, and tools. I’ve been through the “coaching universe” wringer and survived it, picking up some lifelong friends and some hard-earned insight into how I do and do not ever want to run a business.
I’ve published a book, delivered talks, led workshops, run masterminds, held live events, and coached people all over the world.
I discovered energy work and fell in love with using intuition, oracle decks, journeying, and innumerable other ways people access magic, as a source of clarity, understanding, and guidance. I officially started incorporating it into my work and everything got better.
VisionCraft is the evolution of everything I’ve learned so far.
It is a way to amaze yourself, blaze your own path, and radiate your gifts to the world. This work is powerful.
Everything I do with my clients I’ve first tried on myself
Get clear on what you really want
Learn to engage with your thoughts from an empowered, compassionate place
Craft a strategy that’s aligned with your vision, values, and life
Be supported as you implement, adjust, and expand
This approach guides you to see clearly and trust yourself which allows you to co-create with the Universe from a place of curiosity, possibility, and deep joy. It’s how I’ve built a business I love, and how my clients have too.
Things that bring me joy
• Stila Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow in Kitten Karma and Diamond Dust / It makes me so happy! And people stop me on the street to tell me they love it.
• Ormedic Balancing Lip Enhancement Complex / It’s. The. Best. Put it on once in the morning and once before bed. That’s all you need.