ENTREPRENEUR Coaching Services
Bring your vision to life in a more expansive and powerful way than you ever imagined.
You have something special that really helps people. But getting it out into the world in a way that feels fulfilling and joyful? That can be a struggle.
That’s where I come in.
I work with entrepreneurs just like you who feel like you’re spinning with ideas and overloaded with tasks, but not getting to the thing that’s most important to you. I come alongside and partner with you to help you get clear on what you really want and make it happen, using my signature method, VisionCraft.
“You have given the strength and courage to see the truth and pivot.”
Cynthia Wachs, Title, Business
My VisionCraft coaching process is designed to help entrepreneurs like you
✔ Get clear on what you really want
✔ Identify and move through obstacles
✔ Create an aligned, actionable strategy that works for the way YOU think and live
And, of course, implement from a place of joy
Here’s the heart of the process:
Get clear on what you really want
Learn to engage with your thoughts from an empowered, compassionate place
Craft a strategy that’s aligned with your vision, values, and life
Be supported as you implement, adjust, and expand
VisionCraft rests on creative, strategic, and intuitive collaboration.
It includes brainstorming, timelines, project breakdowns, clearing limiting beliefs, shifting mindsets, writing copy, designing offers, developing programs, building unique marketing strategies, using energy work to expand your possibilities, and whatever else we decide will be helpful along the way.
Want to work together?
Choose the option that feels right or book a call and we’ll talk about which solution is the best fit for you. Book a call
Specialized Sessions
Dive deep in private intensives that are laser focused on beliefs, strategies, and manifesting your vision now.
Longer Term Coaching
Book a call to find out how consistent structure, accountability, and support can transform your vision and results.
One-Off Spark Session
A one-hour session focused on what’s most important to you and your business right now, from brainstorming to creation.
Customized Support for Impact-Driven Entrepreneurs
Build your vision with one-on-one coaching designed around who you are and what you need
You can see it, right?
That thing you really want to be doing? The person you know, in your heart of hearts, you’re meant to be?
If only you knew how to get there…
Whether it’s reaching millions of people with your message, leading intimate retreats to do deep work, or astonishing the world with your unique gifts, there are a few steps between here and there.
And maybe you could maybe use a hand.
Not to mention another set of eyes, an extra brain, a shoulder to cry on, a good listening ear, and a mouth that will tell it to you straight.
VisionCraft Coaching is about having someone by your side to ask the right questions, give you space to talk things through, and hold your vision when you’ve lost sight of it.
It’s a partnership that helps you stay connected to your passion, inspiration, and joy so that what you end up building is more fabulous than you ever imagined.
Build a business you were meant for with VisionCraft coaching. Here are some of the ways we do that:
Discover what you really want to be doing and refocus your efforts and energy on unleashing your gifts in ways that bring you joy
Release beliefs that are keeping you stuck and replace them with beliefs that support your success
Create programs and products that put your unique talents and perspective out into the world while fitting within your life
Write materials such as landing pages, emails, and course content that build immediate connection with the people you want to serve
Build a step-by-step, supported strategy rooted in reality, including a customized Vision Map to keep you focused on what matters
If you’re getting excited about what you could create, let’s talk. Book a call and get your questions answered.
“Thank you for making it happen. I definitely couldn’t have done it without you!”
Jodi Liston, Founder, Liston Education Group
Clients who thrive in this work:
Have a business they’re passionate about
Or are pivoting and building a new business
You do not need clarity around the exact form your business will take, or the precise shape of your work; these things are always evolving and our process includes uncovering solutions that are right for you at this moment.
What you will need:
✔ Faith that you have something to offer
✔ An open mind to explore both inner outer possibilities and challenges, and
✔ A commitment to doing the work.