Build a business you freaking love

Strategic, intuitive coaching for entrepreneurs

You’re MORE than an entrepreneur. You’re an impact-driven world improver ready to bring your next big vision to life.

But the next steps feel unclear.

It’s not because you aren’t up for the challenge. It’s because you’re not supposed to do this alone. Creative powerhouses and visionaries who have built multiple businesses STILL need help connecting the dots between where they are and where they want to be.

why is that?

Because it’s hard to see everything from where you’re sitting.

Because getting out of your head and talking things through helps you get clarity.

Because having a safe space empowers you to overcome fears.

The right support can be the difference between a great idea and an idea that’s out there changing the world.

I’m Jennifer Zwiebel, business innovator, intuition-follower, unicorn-embracer

While I’ve outgrown searching for magic formulas, I have fallen in love with the power of magic.

To me, magic means embracing your intuition, meeting the exact right person at the exact right moment, and following the path that calls you even when everyone around you is pointing in the other direction. It also means learning to trust yourself.

I walk beside other impact-driven entrepreneurs helping them tap into their own intuition and open themselves up to infinite possibilities. Together we map out and implement the aligned, strategic steps that bring their unique visions to life. Get to know me

Working with Jennifer has changed my life and my relationship with what I believe can be accomplished in business.

Samatha Mackey, Collaborative Marketing & Communications Expert

Here’s the heart of the process:

  • Get clear on what you really want

  • Learn to engage with your thoughts from an empowered, compassionate place

  • Craft a strategy that’s aligned with your vision, values, and life

  • Be supported as you implement, adjust, and expand

This approach guides you to see clearly and trust yourself which allows you to co-create with the Universe from a place of curiosity, possibility, and deep joy. It’s how I’ve built a business I love, and how my clients have too.

Unleash more of your magic on the world with VisionCraft Coaching

Chart your own course

Like to go at your own pace? Use these self-directed tools to get clear, get moving, and mine your own genius as you navigate obstacles and bring your vision to life.

Work with me privately

Dig deeper into what you are meant to be doing. Get customized support as you forge your unique path, clear obstacles, and continually expand what’s possible. 

Thrive in community

Tap into the wisdom, resources, and energy of like-minded visionaries and builders in spaces designed to inspire you, ignite your fire, and make things happen.